Gingher 5″ Knife Scissors


5 in stock



Ginger 5″ Knife edge Scissor

  • used to cut loops made by punch and sculpt.
  • that will last a lifetime as long it is only used to cut yarn.
  • are the best sharp scissor critical to making a difference from good rug to a spectacular rug.
  • if used to cut paper or hair  cutting they will dull the blade quickly and possibly ruin the edge.
  • be sure to have them sharpened after you finish your rug.
  • if you find the scissor grabbing the yarn and not cutting it clean it’s time to get them sharpened.
  • if your scissors catch or drag when you close them they need to be “flossed”.
  • use waxed dental floss and pull it around the screw that holds it together.  When pulling it around the blades be careful as it will cut the floss.  It must reach the screw to do the job.
  • sometimes just flossing will make a big difference.